The Dog’s Day of summer, Do you know about it?

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    When we talk about “dog’s day of summer”, we always do not know what is it really means.  Some say that it signifies hot sultry days “not fit for a dog,” others suggest it’s the weather in which dogs go mad, while there is a third saying that it represents an ancient Greeks.

    Which one is right? Do we really know about that?

    1. What are the dog days of summer?
    canis major sirius
    Canis Major Sirius

    Ancient Greeks noticed that Sirus—which they dubbed the “dog star” as it is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major—appears to rise alongside the sun in late July. They believed the combined power of the stars is what made this the hottest time of year.

    Thus, the term Dog Days of Summer came to mean the 20 days before and 20 days after this alignment of Sirius with the Sun—July 3 to August 11 each year.

    2. A real Dog’s Day is on 26Aug

    dog day
    dog day

    National Dog Day on August 26th encourages dog ownership of all breeds. While seeking a new companion, be sure to consider the mutts, mixes, purebreds, and everything in between. 

    Whether mixed or purebred, embrace the opportunity for all dogs to live a happy, safe, and abuse-free life. They all give us companionship. Additionally, they keep us safe, and they aid those in need. Dogs play. Well, they play many roles in our lives, too! They keep us healthy, both physically and mentally.

    So here comes the reason why I wrote these words today. 2021 Dog Day has already passed for around a week, what do we do for our honey buddies? After talking with many friends, familiar or unfamiliar, I got to know as below:

    1. Mental Enrichment

    Dogs, just like humans, also experience boredom, and a lack of proper enrichment can lead to anxiety and destructive behaviors. While puzzle and enrichment toys promote nose work, we can create our own games, too.


    2. Massage and body awareness.

    This is another way to show that dogs are like humans. They love a good massage. Go to a class and learn how to massage our dogs, or use an online tutorial – just make sure we’re using a vet-approved resource. Another similar treatment for general anxiety in dogs is body awareness.

    Body awareness is teaching our dogs where their hind end is and helping them become aware of what they are doing. We will sometimes put a body wrap on them, like an Ace bandage, so they can actually feel where their body is. And anecdotally, people and their dogs that have that interaction find they’re a little less anxious.

    3. Walk with our dogs

    Accompany with walking, is not only a way of exercise but also a good way to find out what they are really fond of.

    Use a flexible pet leash or not use is both acceptable. But will need to take enough preparation for the Food and excrement.



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